Robert Murray McCheyne
Learn to trust Christ’s word, whatever sight may say. We live in dark times. Every day the clouds are becoming heavier and more lowering. The enemies of the Sabbath are raging. The enemies of the Church are becoming more desperate. The cause of Christ is everywhere threatened. But we have a sweet word of promise: “This sickness is not unto death.” Darker times are coming yet. The clouds will break and deluge our country soon with a flood of infidelity, and many will be like Mary― heart-broken. Has the Lord’s word failed? No, never! “This sickness is not unto death.” The dry bones of Israel shall live. Popery shall sink like a mill-stone― widowhood and loss of children shall come to her in one day. The kings of Tarshish and the isles shall bow their knee to Jesus. Jesus shall reign till all his enemies are put under his feet, and the whole world shall soon enjoy a real Sabbath.
(extract from Lecture 'Bethany' John 11)