“Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3.
Then let us cultivate everything that would tend to unity. Are any sick? Let us care for them. Are any suffering? Let us weep with them. Do we know one who has less love than others? Then let us have more, so as to make up the deficiency. Do we perceive faults in a Brother? Let us admonish him in love and affection. I pray you be peacemakers, every one of you! Let this Church go on as it has done for the last eleven years in holy concord and blessed unity. Let us remember that we cannot keep the unity of the Spirit unless we all believe the Truth of God. Let us search our Bibles, therefore, and conform our views and sentiments to the teaching of God’s Word. I have already told you that unity in error is unity in ruin. We want unity in the Truth of God through the Spirit of God. This let us seek after it! Let us live near to Christ, for this is the best way of promoting unity. Divisions in churches never begin with those full of love to the Saviour. Cold hearts, unholy lives, inconsistent actions, neglected closets—these are the seeds which sow schisms in the body! But he who lives near to Jesus—wears His likeness and copies His example will be, wherever he goes, a sacred bond, a holy link to bind the Church together more closely than ever. May God give us this and from now on let us endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. I commend the text to all Believers to be practiced through the coming year. And to those who are not Believers, what can I say but that I trust their unity and their peace may be broken forever and that they may be led to Christ Jesus to find peace in His death! May faith be given and then love and every Divine Grace will follow, so that they may be one with us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Latest online sermons by Rev. Aaron Lewis:
Life after death, preached on the Sabbath evening 29th November 2009 from the text Acts 2 v 28
Joy and peace in believing, preached on the Sabbath evening 6th December 2009 from the text Romans 15 v 13
Rest in the Lord, preached on the Sabbath evening 27th December 2009 from the text Psalm 37 v 7
I was glad when they said unto me, preached on the Sabbath morning 10th January 2010 from the text Psalm 122.