The Authorised Version: A Wonderful and Unfinished History
by C. Peter Hallihan
Publisher: Trinitarian Bible Society (2010)
ISBN-13: 978-1862280496
2011 marks the 400th Anniversary of the Authorised, (King James) Version. Despite numerous versions since its appearance, and the many unwarranted criticisms made upon it, the Authorised version remains the best and most accurate English translation we have in circulation today, and which is still widely in use. Even the New King James Bible, which, is probably about the best of the modern translations cannot compare with the Authorised Version.
To mark the 400th Anniversary, the Trinitarian Bible Society have published a short but very informative booklet, entitled, “The Authorised Version, A Wonderful and Unfinished History” . The author is C.P. Hallihan.
After a useful timeline, there follows five chapters covering such subjects as the Manuscripts, John Wycliff and the English Bible, the Hampton Court Conference and the printing of the Authorised Version. In the sixth and final chapter entitled itself, “The Last Chapter?”, we are left with considering that this is an unfinished story. God is still blessing the use of this wonderful and accurate translation of His Holy word; not only to the salvation of many, but to the blessing of many a congregation and individual believer.
At the end of the book come the 'Appendices.' The first concerns the 1604 Directive, and the last concerns the men who were chosen to form the committee responsible for this wonderful translation.
In this booklet, we have before us a concise but extremely helpful reminder of an unfinished history under the providential hand of God, concerning the Authorised Version.
I heartily recommend this booklet, but particularly the Authorised Version which this booklet sets forth.
May God continue to use this faithful translation of His word to the salvation of the lost sinners, and to the blessing of many a congregation and individual believer.