May I, in a loving and compassionate way, remind those who continue to reject the singing of Psalms of three important facts. Firstly, Christ whilst here upon earth, delighted in and sung exclusively from the Psalms; as did His disciples and the early church. Secondly, the Psalms, as being God's hymnbook, will never be surpassed by any other. And then thirdly, the acceptance of it by God as worthy praise, cannot be questioned.
We have witnessed in recent decades a downgrade in public worship on an immense scale, things are not what they used to be, a recovery is so vital. Now, I believe in the road to recovery God's hymnbook must be introduced in those Churches where it is absent, for in worship, there must be, as the Lord has abundantly made plain in Scripture, the singing of Psalms.
Over recent years, the Trinitarian Bible Society has republished the Psalms of David in Metre in two quality editions. The large print edition, ideal for local congregations, is an excellent edition, not only for the young but also for the elderly. The small pocket size edition is ideal for taking whilst travelling. Both come at a very reasonable price, making it much more affordable to local churches and individual believers compared with that of other hymnbooks.
May I, as one who has come to understand not only the Biblical warrant for, but also the blessing of Psalm singing, heartily recommend these Psalters.
May there in days to come, be an even greater awareness of the singing of Psalms, and may the Psalms again have their rightful place in the worship of God.