Monday, January 12, 2009

Special Meetings at Crosslanes Chapel in 2009

The Lord willing, the following special meetings are planned for 2009:

158th Church Anniversary, May 2nd and 3rd

The Rev. John J. Murray of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) will preach at 6pm on the Saturday and at 11am and 6pm on the Sabbath.

2nd Autumn Preaching Meeting, October 31st and November 1st

The Rev. Dewi Higham, minister of Tabernacle, Cardiff will preach at 6pm on the Saturday and at 11am and 6pm on the Sabbath.

Latest sermon online from Crosslanes Chapel: Giving an invitation (John ch 1 v 45-46), preached on the evening of Wednesday 31st December 2008 by Rev. Aaron Lewis.