Last year, 2010, it was our joy and privilege to distribute, on the doors, in the open air and through other means 73 AV Bibles to those interested.
Back in April, 25 were delivered to Parkhurst prison on the Isle of Wight. Since our visit, the Prison Chaplain has requested that, when he is in need of more Bibles, he will be in touch, being thankful for our support in this way to the prisoners. Since the end of the summer in Ringwood, down where we hold the Open Air services, we have at regular intervals, besides on those occasions when we hold an Open air services, set up a table for the free distribution of Bibles, Luke's Gospels, and other material. This has proved to be a valuable means of distributing God's Word to needy souls in our immediate area. In all, 34 Bibles have been received. On one memorable occasion, whilst Pastor was preaching the Gospel, in the space of ten minutes 7 people came and took a copy of God's word. We pray that those who have received God's Word might think upon and be led to Christ.
So far this year we have have distributed 43 Bibles, many of them in our local town of Ringwood, for which we give God the praise.